June 13 Face Covering Update - Mayor Adams Read full update here

June 13 Face Covering Update
COVID-19 Vaccinations Town Halls for Families
March 7 Face Covering Update
COVID-19 Guidance Charts
Shortened Isolation and Quarantine Periods
Get Tested
Daily Health Screening
Get Vaccinated
School Visitor Policy
School Closure
Outdoor Learning
Medically Necessary Instruction
Watch the Video
June 13 Face Covering Update
Mayor Adams announced that, starting Monday, June 13, face coverings will be optional for students in early childhood schools or programs. Anyone who chooses to wear a face covering may continue to do so, and your child may request a mask from their school or program if they need one. Face coverings are strongly recommended for any staff member or student who knows they have been exposed to COVID-19 within the previous 10 days. Wearing a face coverings is still required in medical rooms and nurses’ offices. Nurses will have face coverings on hand for anyone entering who may need one.
COVID-19 Vaccinations Town Halls for Families
The DOE, in conjunction with the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, is hosting two town halls for families of DOHMH, is hosting two town halls for families of children ages 5-11 regarding the importance of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Families should register in advance for one of the town hall sessions, which will both cover the same content and be held via Zoom; translations will be provided via the call-in numbers shown in each registration link:
March 14, from 6:00–7:30 p.m.; (Open external link)on March 9 registration opens for the March 14 town hall session(Open external link) , which will be held in English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Arabic. Dial-in details specific to each language are available via the registration link.
March 16, from 6:00–7:30 p.m.; on March 9 registration opens for the March 16 town hall session(Open external link), which will be held in English, Spanish, Cantonese, and Bangla. Dial-in details specific to each language are available via the registration link.
March 7 Face Covering Update
We are pleased to announce that...
...face coverings will be optional on school grounds for students in kindergarten through grade 12 beginning Monday, March 7.
To maintain the safety of our staff and students, we will continue to practice strict COVID-19 protocols, including increased ventilation, a daily health screening, and test kit distribution. Mask-wearing will become optional indoors, outside, and on school buses. Anyone who chooses to wear a mask may continue to do so, and your child may request a mask from their school if they need one.
The indoor mask mandate is still active for LYFE, EarlyLearn (Infants & Toddlers), 3-K, Pre-K, and 4410 classrooms. Children two years old and older, and all staff in these classrooms, must continue to wear a face covering indoors. Since children under the age of five are not yet eligible to receive the vaccine, face coverings remain our strongest defense against COVID-19 for our youngest learners.
In addition, any staff member or student in grades Kindergarten or higher returning on Day 6 following a positive COVID-19 diagnosis or after having COVID-like symptoms is still required to wear a well-fitting mask at all times on school property through Day 10.
Masks are strongly recommended for any staff member or student who knows they have been exposed to COVID-19 within the previous 10 days. Mask wearing is still required in medical rooms and nurses’ offices, as well as in School Based Health Centers. Nurses will have masks on hand for anyone entering who may need one.
COVID-19 Guidance Charts
We recognize that families need clear information to help them make decisions related to COVID-19. While you can read about our policies in detail below, you can also refer to the following flowcharts that outline the steps you should take if your child feels sick, was exposed to COVID-19, or tested positive for COVID-19.